Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Repost - Are my stitches infected?

You are probably still swollen down there esp if you had to do a lot of pushing. It hurts when you urinate b/c one of your tears was more than likely superficial so it wasn't stitched. At least that's what I had when I asked after I had my first son 3 years ago. They should have given you witch hazel pads & a foaming antiseptic to help with the pain & healing process. The other thing they should have given you to do while at the hospital & to take home with you was/is a "peri" bottle. You put some hot water (as hot as you can handle) to spray on the area after you use the restroom. I never had to take any prescribed pain meds for it so I would say if you are in that much pain even after doing all of the above then I would make an appt w/ your OB & have them take a look. It's always better to be safe than sorry esp when dealing with such a sensitive part of your body. I tore in the same place all three times with my boys it hurts but it will go away in most cases. I just had my last little boy in March & I'm fine now. P.S. I wouldn't do a salt soak unless told by the Dr's as it may make the pain worse your perineum is a very sensitive area I would only do a sitz bath (sitting in the tub w/ warm to hot plain water & sit for a few min at a time) or the peri bottle w/ clean warm/hot water

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