Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can ya please help)i posted this question yesterday and nobody answered?

Ok I read the issue here, its a cat and mouse game, if she does or does not like you , you need to be cool, calm, anc collected, you need to keep things going as friends, ask how she is doing, whats happening, etc...girls like when guys take notice of them, and show interest and most of all concern. Don't ignore her, go out of your way to see her to p her in the hall, be cool, Its not a game but it is, you have to learn the seceret rules and better you need to learn the girls rules as well, its not easy, but you need to stay alert, pay attention to what she says, what she likes and does not like, where did she say she wasy going?...then the next day, ask hey, how was your such n such ... girls like when guys take the lead, don't wait for her to show all the signs or for to speak first...if and when you see the opportunity to do something special for her then do it but it has to appear that you did it without thinking about it, hold a door open for her, walk with her to her next cl even if you know you will be late and get in trouble for your next cl...just my thoughts...good luck!

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