Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Rose, by any other name would still smell as sweet?

When I was pregnant with my second child, before we knew the gender, I suggested the name 'Lyric' for a boy and my husband reacted with exaggerated gagging noises and said something along the lines of, "over my dead body." Then, after we had found out it was a girl, one of us (can't remember who) suggested Lyra (pronounced Lee-rah, not Lye-rah) and we both fell madly in love with the name. So, now we have a beautiful daughter named Lyra. And I still can't figure out what's so different between Lyric and Lyra. Now, I'm pregnant with our fourth, another girl. I suggested the name, Poet. Cue the gagging noises. "Not even up for discussion!" my husband declared. Then, a few weeks later, he suggested Poe. Now, he can't stop thinking about it, and what a great name it is. At first, I was elated. Hey, all right! We'll name her Poet and you (and probably others) can call her Poe til the cows come home. No go. He absolutely refuses to accept Poet. I'm not about to name the baby anything he doesn't 100% agree on, but I AM having trouble understanding his thinking process, which he refuses to discuss with me. So maybe someone out there can give me some objective advice. Is there really such a huge difference between Poet and Poe????

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