Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting baby to turn?

I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant and my baby is breech. He is pretty much standing on my bladder and ever time he kicks it feels like it's going to come out my woo-hoo. This is my second pregnancy, so I'm not new to this feeling, but my daughter was always jabbing her hand down there when I was pregnant with her. It didn't start really bothering me until close to the end of my pregnancy. This time it's really early and I already feel like my bladder is getting shoved out of me. When he gets bigger it is only going to get worse. Are there any tips, that actually work :) to get the baby to flip? I know it isn't a big deal for him to be breach this early on but I don't think my poor bladder can endure too much more of being a trampoline :)

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